Malström Sound Programming
Sounds (2)

Move the index slider all the way to the left, and increase the motion control of Osc A just a tiny bit, from a value of -64 to around -44.

Play and hold down a key on the keyboard. You should hear the timbre morph slowly from one grain of the wavetable to the next through the entire collection of grains in the table. When it gets to the last grain, it seamlessly loops back through them in reverse order.

Increase the motion knob as you hold down a key, and the rate Malström moves through the wavetable grains will speed up as well. When motion is increased to 64, the pitch of the sound becomes non-tonal because the morphing from grain to grain is so fast, it's a blur - a Malström of movement, as it were.

Experiment in this same fashion with as many of Malström's wavetables as you like.

You'll find that with some, the wavetable timbre doesn't shift much from grain to grain, while with others (Pink Noise, for example) the shift in timbre from grain to grain is extremely radical.

You'll also find that while some wavetables are set up to loop back and forth in the table, others only loop in one direction. One obvious example is the "Electronik" wavetable.

  • Select the "Elektronik" wavetable for Osc A (it's a member of the "Voice" group).
  • Move the index slider all the way to the left.
  • Set the motion knob to 0 (12 o'clock, center position).
  • Play a note two octaves above middle C.
You should hear a synthetic voice repeating the word "elektronik" over and over. The loop is not bi-directional, it only loops forward. If it were bi-directional like the "VSWaves" table, you'd hear the voice saying "elektronik," then you'd hear it backward ("kinortkele"), then forward again, then backward again etc.

Sounds (1) | Sounds (2) | Sounds (3) | Sounds (4) | Sounds (5) | Sounds (6) | Sounds (7)

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